Archive for 06/11

Game-changing tool for entrepreneurs coming soon

I recently had an article published at IT Martini where I discuss the upcoming release of Office 365, Microsoft’s latest cloud-based services offering, and the value that the SharePoint component of that offering has for entrepreneurs and businesses trying to make use of SharePoint for collaboration.

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Technology & my international midnight presentation

I just finished giving a presentation via Live Meeting for an event based out of India.  Start time: 3:30AM EST.  I’m so glad that someone invented coffee :)

I think it’s very kool, tho, to have lived long enough to see a world where people all over the planet

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HSCC Midwest Regionals 2011

Today I’m in Cincinnati at the Midwest Regional Mock Competition for HSCC, supporting our high school student team, and helping to serve as one of the judges during the competition.  IMAG1105Regional competitions are a great way for our students to begin to get a feel for what they can expect in the actual national competition in August. 

Aside from a slightly abbreviated time schedule and fewer teams to compete against, the regional mock competition offers a pretty accurate representation of the real thing.  The Cincinnati chapter of BDPA put a

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Published article at NBSP

In addition to being a big geek, I’m also a SharePoint dude. I blog on all things SharePoint in my other blog site, but every now and then some of my imageblog posts go viral. :)  It turns out that one of my articles has been published in a well-known SharePoint website for end-users, admins, and developers called  The article is based on a challenge I had at one my client sites, where definitions about key corporate artifacts like ‘documents’ and ‘forms’ had to be agreed on in order to make the project successful.  Since then, I’ve learned that with any client, whether you’re implementing a SharePoint solution or not, agreeing on key terms as early as possible is always helpful for project success.


Take a look a the article and let me know what you think.  And if you’re on Twitter, feel free to retweet me.  Thanx!

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