Archive for 07/09

Webinar on Application Lifecycle Management & Team System for BDPA

I delivered an ALM presentation focusing on Microsoft Visual Studio Team System and Team Foundation Server for the BDPA Webinar series.  I tried to make it a high-level “Intro to ALM” talk – hopefully I was successful.  The slide deck can be found in my SkyDrive (link below).

There was a Q&A session at the end, and the participants asked some great questions.  One of the questions was, “have you found that Team System has helped you increase your time to market (TTM)?”  For me, that question brings to mind a great quote – “…that which does not get measured never gets improved…” 

I can’t definitively say that VSTS has helped our TTM because I can’t say that we’ve ever [consistently & systematically] tracked that metric.  The only answer I could give is that I have a “warm fuzzy feeling” that yes, it has helped. :)


My webinar slide presentation
(use Slide Show mode to see full animations):

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